
Note: The below “Sample Response” column is sample data only.

URL Path: 'https://api.www.grants.gov/v1/api/fetchOpportunity’

Expected Request Body: Sample Response
{ "opportunityId": 289999 } "errorcode": 0, "msg": "Webservice Succeeds", "token": "eyJ0eXAiO………X9ezvzaw", "data": { "id": 289999, "revision": 0, "opportunityNumber": "TEST-PTS-20231011-OPP1", "opportunityTitle": "Test-PTS-20231011-Opp1 title!", "owningAgencyCode": "HHS", "listed": "L", "publisherUid": "RatjJoeApplicant", "flag2006": "N", "opportunityCategory": { "category": "E", "description": "Earmark" }, "synopsis": { "opportunityId": 289999, "version": 1, "agencyCode": "HHS", "agencyName": "Health & Human Services", "agencyPhone": "TBD-", "agencyAddressDesc": "12", "agencyDetails": { "code": "HHS", "seed": "HHS", "agencyName": "HHS Agency", "agencyCode": "HSS", "topAgencyCode": "HSS" }, "topAgencyDetails": { "code": "HHS", "seed": "HHS", "agencyName": "HHS Agency", "agencyCode": "HHS", "topAgencyCode": "HHS" }, "agencyContactPhone": "TBD-", "agencyContactName": "Alison Applegate", "agencyContactDesc": "Phone TBD-", "agencyContactEmail": "12@hhs.gov", "agencyContactEmailDesc": "12", "synopsisDesc": "


", "responseDateDesc": "1", "postingDate": "Oct 11, 2023 12:00:00 AM EDT", "costSharing": false, "awardCeiling": "10", "awardCeilingFormatted": "10", "awardFloor": "8", "awardFloorFormatted": "8", "sendEmail": "Y", "createTimeStamp": "Oct 11, 2023 05:18:23 PM EDT", "createdDate": "Oct 11, 2023 05:17:55 PM EDT", "lastUpdatedDate": "Oct 11, 2023 05:17:55 PM EDT", "applicantTypes": [ { "id": "01", "description": "County governments" } ], "fundingInstruments": [ { "id": "G", "description": "Grant" } ], "fundingActivityCategories": [ { "id": "AR", "description": "Arts" } ], "postingDateStr": "2023-10-11-00-00-00", "createTimeStampStr": "2023-10-11-17-18-23" }, "agencyDetails": { "code": "HHS", "seed": "HHS", "agencyName": "Health & Human Services", "agencyCode": "HHS", "topAgencyCode": "HHS" }, "topAgencyDetails": { "code": "HHS", "seed": "HHS", "agencyName": "Health & Human Services", "agencyCode": "HHS", "topAgencyCode": "HHS" }, "synopsisAttachmentFolders": [ { "id": 1684, "opportunityId": 289999, "folderType": "Full Announcement", "folderName": "F1", "zipLobSize": 180032, "createdDate": "Oct 11, 2023 05:18:05 PM EDT", "lastUpdatedDate": "Oct 11, 2023 05:18:23 PM EDT", "synopsisAttachments": [ { "id": 10190, "opportunityId": 289999, "mimeType": "text/csv", "fileName": "grants-gov-opp-search--20230715011557.csv", "fileDescription": "F1", "fileLobSize": 1320700, "createdDate": "Oct 11, 2023 05:18:23 PM EDT", "synopsisAttFolderId": 1684 } ] } ], "synopsisDocumentURLs": [], "synAttChangeComments": [], "alns": [ { "id": 335392, "opportunityId": 289999, "alnNumber": "93.223", "programTitle": "Development and Coordination of Rural Health Services" } ], "opportunityHistoryDetails": [], "opportunityPkgs": [], "closedOpportunityPkgs": [], "originalDueDateDesc": "1", "synopsisModifiedFields": [], "forecastModifiedFields": [], "errorMessages": [], "synPostDateInPast": true, "docType": "synopsis", "forecastHistCount": 0, "synopsisHistCount": 0, "assistCompatible": false, "assistURL": "", "relatedOpps": [], "draftMode": "N" } }

Here's a visualization of the high-level response:

Opportunity ID Opportunity Title Owning Agency Code Listed Agency Contact Name Agency Contact Email Cost Sharing Award Ceiling Award Floor Posting Date
289999 Test-PTS-20231011-Opp1 title! HHS L Allison Applegate 12@hhs.gov false 10 8 Oct 11, 2023 12:00:00 AM EDT